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[Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] Improving the Capacity of the National TB Control Program through implementation of the 2nd National TB Prevalence Survey
Author Admin Date 2015.09.15 Views 948
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Improving the Capacity of the National TB Control Program through implementation of the 2nd National TB Prevalence Survey
Duration January,2010-January, 2013
Donor JICA
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Health and National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control(CENAT)
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Health
Region N.A.
Financing 1.1 million USD from Cambodia, 22.6 million yen from Japanes side
Analytical Information Stakeholders Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association, The Research Institute of Tuberculosis
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The Overall Goal is likely to be achieved in the near future. For Indicator 1), the mortality rate has already been reduced by over 50% and the target for the morbidity rate has nearly been achieved. Moreover, it is speculated that Indicator 2) as well be achieved if the present activities of the NTP can be maintained.
Also, the Project facilitated international collaboration especially between South-South through sharing experiences of Cambodia with other countries such as Laos and Ethiopia, and through technical meeting in WHO, Geneva.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation All the activities set in the PDM were carried out except Activities 1-10-3, 1-10-4, 1-12 and 2-4, which are the ones based on the Survey results and will be implemented towards the end of the Project. No major delay on the project activities was observed. The equipment provided through the Project is mostly basic and suitable for the local conditions, utilized for the prevalence survey, still frequently used and maintained in a good condition. The budget of the Project was a half of the one for the phase 1 project, nevertheless, the Project implemented the national prevalence survey as in the phase 1 project and a considerable amount of outputs has been produced.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The Project Purpose appears to correspond to the needs of the people of Cambodia and to be highly consistent with policies of the Government of Cambodia. One of the goals of Japan’s Global Health Policy for achievement of MDGs is to strengthen support for fighting AIDS, TB and malaria, and Cambodia is one of the priority
countries in JICA’s Thematic Guideline for TB. Accordingly support for TB control in Cambodia is still relevant with the assistance policy of Japan. In addition, the assistance was even consistent and beneficial for and with global policy.
Rating 5/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation Evaluation was implemented from 1st July, 2012 to 21st July, 2012. Team leader was Ms. Saeda MAKIMOTO, Director from JICA and TB Control by Dr. Katsunori OSUGA, Medical Officer, Stop TB & Leprosy Elimination, WHO/WPRO.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation The TB control is one of the major national strategies for Cambodia and has already been well documented legislatively. There is no doubt that the Cambodian policy on TB control will not be altered in the near future as the National Health Strategic Plan for TB Control 2016-2020 will be developed based on the Survey results.
The CENAT has been taking a leading role in the NTP for a long time under the support of international agencies including JICA, therefore, its institutional system and capacity have been well developed. Regarding finance, the NTP heavily relies its budget on the development partners, of which Global Fund Round 7 shares 40 %,
USAID 30-40%, the government of Cambodia around 10% and the rest is covered by JICA and other development partners. Such a financial situation does not seem to be improved in the near future. The infectious diseases usually flare-up once the control measures are stopped, therefore, it is very important to secure the budget for continuation of the control activities.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks Large-scale activities, such as the prevalence survey this time, cannot be successfully carried out without coordination among development and local partners. It is crucial to maintain close communication and
collaboration among the key stakeholders for the timely management of all the essential components of the activities, including resource mobilization.



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