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RUPP’s Faculty Visit to Korea Plans
Author Admin Date 2013.11.18 Views 1605

1. Workshop: Cambodia’s Development Capacity Enhancement with South Korea’s Education ODA_Cambodia Development Institute RUPP’s Faculty Visit to Korea Plans

2. Date: November 16th~24th

3. Faculty

 1) LENG THEARITH(M.A. in International Peace Studies, International University of Japan, 2007): Political economy, state-society relations, rural and community development, resource governance in developing countries,education,electoralpolitics,international politics, Southeast Asia, East Asia


 2) AN SOKKHOEURNMR(M.A. in International Relations, Syracuse University, 2011): Foreign policy,United Nations, conflict resolution, model ASEAN summit


3) THEAM SOKVIBOL(M.A. in Information Management, Asia-Europe University (Malaysia), 2010): Introduction to Research (Research Methods),roles of civil society groups (e.g. NGOs) in public policy and governance, their level of interaction with government institutions, as well as their application of social media and other ICT platforms into carrying out their activities.


4) SOK SAY(Ph.D. in Political Science, Deakin University (Australia), 2013): UN Systems and Agencies, Globalization and Social Change, International Relations I,contemporary politics, foreign policies of Southeast Asia.


5) MEY PUNLOK(M.A. in International Relations, International University of Japan, 2010): ASEAN, Foreign Policy, Effective Negotiation


4. Schedule: Please refer to the attached.

Attachments 1

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