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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

> RESEARCH > DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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Author Admin Date 2015.06.01 Views 941
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General Information Project/Program Program
Duration October 2000 to March 2004.
Implementiong Organization Action for Health (AFH), Village Health Volunteers (VHVs), Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs),Community Action for Social Development, Provincial Coordinating Committee
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Health
Region Chhlong
Financing 1,000,000,00 US$
Analytical Information Stakeholders Provincial Health Department, Operational District health officials, Action for Health (AFH), Village Health Volunteers (VHVs), Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), Child Survival Coordinating Committee, Ministry of Health,
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The results suggest an improvement in child health and a decrease in morbidity in young children. Furthermore the Child Deaths reports based on a community-based information collection system indicate a decrease in under-five mortality. Therefore, the conclusion that the Northeast Cambodia Child Survival program in Chhlong reached its goal seems to be justified.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The program has respected the role of the community leaders and the endorsement of their advice and facilitation has contributed to improved health behaviors of mothers of young children through successful community mobilization. The fact that the key role players in the community have been consulted before the program was designed through Participatory Rural Appraisal in more then half of the villages, is an essential part in the success of the program. This increased the sense of ownership in the communities.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The main achievements on immunization can be attributed to the combination of the good and productive collaboration with the community on one side and on the other hand clear and transparent planning efforts of the Operational District and Health Centers. Partners For Development Chhlong worked hard to continue the good collaboration with the Operational District and respects the Operational District as being the primarily responsible for Health Services delivery.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The core evaluation team was composed of an External Team Leader, the Child Survival Program coordinator and the Child Survival Team Leader. The guideline Participatory Program Evaluation Manual for Child Survival programs supplied by the Technical Support Project, USAID and CRS was used for the Final Evaluation. Final Evaluation helps to strategize the use and communication of these lessons within Partners For Development, to partners and the wider health community in Cambodia.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation The initial budget proved to be adequate over the whole program implementation period, mainly because the costs were estimated accurately, the managers planned activities very cost-effectively, and the budgeting was prepared in detail. The budget was not complicated and therefore easy to implement. Budget adjustments mainly resulted from different interpretation and analysis of budget lines in the initial stages of the program rather then from insufficie nt budgeting. For example: transport for training was charged under general transport and not under training. No major budget adjustments had to be made over the project period.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks The Child Survival activities should continue and the existing structure of Village Health Volunteers being supervised by Health Center staff should be maintained. The strength of Program for Development lies in its understanding of and working with and through the community. Child Survival Program should remain a community program, even when program activities are expanding to Health Systems Strengthening, the focus should remain at the community.



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