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[United Nations Development Programme] Strengthening Democratic and Decentralized Local Governance in Cambodia: (DDLG)
Author Admin Date 2015.07.22 Views 944
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name
Strengthening Democratic and Decentralized Local Governance in Cambodia: (DDLG)
Duration 2006-2010
Donor the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Commission (EC)
Implementiong Organization the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Commission (EC)
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Governance
Region Phnom Penh
Financing €10M
Analytical Information Stakeholders the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the European Commission (EC),Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC)
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis Considering the overall design, DDLG has provided not only an extensive contribution to the policy and levels of the Democratic and Decentralized( D&D) but has managed to introduce evolutionary change to the D&D environment, influencing the strategic options for reform and the modalities in which the reform can be implemented.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation UNDP, though its historic relationship with the RGC, which has assured mutual trust, and its political neutrality, owns a comparative advantage within the context of D&D and RGC reform.
Rating 5/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation It was discovered that the foot-print of DDLG at this level is almost invisible illustrating high levels of national ownership and the utilisation of existing RGC systems and processes, verifying the deliberate aid effectiveness strategy of the project and UNDP.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation An inception report prepared by the international consultant proposed a specific methodology for the evaluation of the DDLG project, which in general follows the principle monitoring processes as described within the 2009 UNDP guide “Handbook on Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluating for Development Results”. The evaluation draw out the envisaged and planned outputs from each component area and where appropriate be considered in terms of institutionalisation (sustainability) and livelihood improvement for the inhabitants of the Communes and Sangkats (impact).
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation To assist in facilitating the National League of Commune/Sangkat to maintain and enhance its autonomy, the DDLG made a formal arrangement (MoU) in March 2007 with the Ministry of Interior and National League of Commune/Sangkat to directly transfer funds to the National League of Commune/Sangkat bank account, allowing the organisation to independently design and implement its mandate and manage its own operations and finances. Direct operation support was also financed by the DDLG project with the employment of an administrative and financial assistant.Project finance is directly transferred to the National League of Commune/Sangkat account, UNDP contracts a leading auditor to annually examine the associated National League of Commune/Sangkat bank account and internal financing system to international standards.
Rating 4/5
Other Remarks
The impact of the outputs generated by DDLG component 1 cannot be under-estimated, in that prior to the intervention no structures existed to support the concepts of “voice” within the context of local government and citizen participation in local development needs. The achievement of the project to support the RGC in its endeavours to develop a functional network of CC’s providing upward voice that influences policy-making has had measurable multi-dimensional impact.



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