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[United Nations Development Programme] Strengthening Citizen Participation in Democratic Governance
Author Admin Date 2015.07.06 Views 895
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Strengthening Citizen Participation in Democratic Governance
Duration Dec 01, 2008 - Nov 30, 2010
Donor UNDP, UNDEF(United Nations Democracy Fund)
Implementiong Organization The Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL)
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Democratic Governance
Region N.A
Financing 291000
Analytical Information Stakeholders UNDEF, UNDP, Royal Government Institutions, MPs, commune councillors, provincial councillors, CSOs, and citizens.
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis This program was fairly successful. It has contributed to increasing the engagement of men and women with commune councilor development plans and communications between commune councilors and citizens. It established 15 local forum groups in which local people and elected official were brought together and issues were raised. Also, through media sources like radio and television broadcasts and printed materials and Voice of Civil Society’s daily radio program, voters were able to have increased knowledge and understanding of democratic rights, responsibilities and democratic governance.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation This project saw a great sense of ownership. One of the major achievements of the project was the creation of radio broadcasting was fully completed. The radio activities were established and citizens were involved in the project. SCPD has continued to collaborate with local NGOs and their participation in both project implementation and decision-making has been highly satisfactory. In particular, at the local level, strong support from the local authorities and communities has successfully facilitated the project.
Rating 5/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The relevance of the Project was confirmed as high. It is well aligned with the Royal Government of Cambodia’s recognition that good governance is a prerequisite for economic development and poverty reduction. Also, UNDP is helping to build a more robust democracy by strengthening electoral and parliamentary processes through providing long-term support to institutions, civic education initiatives and the media.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The evaluation team used methods such as field visits, documentation review from UNDP and COMFREL, interviews, participatory approach, where the evaluator would meet with all concerned stakeholders including NGO partners, COMFRELBOD, provincial councilors commune councilors direct target groups and project staff in deriving their feedback.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation The project seems to be sustainable in that the process of project designing and implementation was participatory. Local activists and watchdogs, establishment of local forum groups after the project completion are still implemented and more demands from the communities are generated. Thus, some activities are likely to be sustained. The budget of 291,000 US$ was carried out following the initial project implement and financial commitments of the implementing agency and executive agency. The project had external audit, which ensured sound financial management with some reasonable justification for the project financial management.
Rating 4/5
Other Remarks



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