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[World Bank] Provincial And Peri-urban Water And Sanitation Project
Author Admin Date 2015.08.06 Views 933
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Provincial And Peri-urban Water And Sanitation Project
Duration Approval Date:2003-04-22, Closing Date:2011-06-30
Donor World Bank
Implementiong Organization the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, the Center for Development, and the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Environment, Health
Region N.A.
Financing US$19.63 million
Analytical Information Stakeholders Japanese Social Development Fund, IDA
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis Relevance of project design was undermined by a variety of factors so it is estimated modest level. Provision of services was to rely on private operators under either Design, Build and Lease (DBL) or Output-based Aid (OBA) arrangements. However, the appropriate legal and regulatory framework was not in place. It was meant to be established during implementation, but progress on a draft Water Supply and Sanitation Regulation Law stalled as a result of the misprocurement-related suspensions.
The achievement of eleven small-scale water supply systems in the provinces fell short of the original target of seventeen. Eighteen systems were procured, but misprocurement was declared in seven of them. The total number of households benefiting from improved water supply in the provinces is estimated at 15,000 (or some 75,000 people).
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation According to the project team, there were several private operators providing electricity in the provincial towns, with whom the Bank had prior engagement. However, design did not include technical assistance to train prospective private operators in Bank procurement procedures or to support them in the preparation of responsive technical and financial bids. A more carefully targeted technical assistance effort may have reduced the incidence of collusion in the preparation of financial bids, a task which the operators were to find especially onerous.
Potential consumption in the project areas was insufficiently researched and surveyed at the preparation stage. Some of the community consultations were conducted too early, and a significant number of poor households in the participating provinces were missed.
Rating 3/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The project's development objectives are relevant to the World Bank Group's Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Cambodia for the period Fiscal Year 2005 – Fiscal Year 2008, and its Progress Report of April, 2008. The project aimed to improve the sewerage system, which was noted in the CAS as one of the key challenges of the country at the time. The development objectives are fully consistent with CAS Pillar II to support investments needed to help Cambodia to attain the MDGs and to reduce poverty through higher funding for infrastructure supplying basic services, specifically in the water and sanitation sector.
The objectives are also pertinent to the Government’s 2003 Rural Water Supply Policy Framework. The Government’s goal in the water supply and sanitation sector, as stated in the sector policy framework, is to ensure that all residents gain access to efficient, equitable and sustainable services, and specifically to clean water and sanitation in order to improve health-related indicators.
Rating 5/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation No information regarding Evaluation Franework in this evaluation report.
Rating N.A.
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Little information is available in the ICR on financial management issues. It reports (page 9) that the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines was persistently late in submitting audit reports and that this tardiness was one of the factors delaying restructuring. There is no indication as to whether auditors’ opinions were qualified. Clarification that the opinions were unqualified throughout the project was subsequently provided to IEG by the project team.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks



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