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[Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] Workshop on Primary Education & Gender
Author Admin Date 2015.10.20 Views 854
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Workshop on Primary Education & Gender
Duration 2001-2003
Donor JICA
Implementiong Organization MoEYS
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Education
Region 14 Provinces
Financing 20 million yen
Analytical Information Stakeholders MoEYS, JICA
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The overall goal of the project is to provide training on child centered learning methodology, management, co-monitoring, gender, and girls education and to make it possible for the participants of the workshops to utilize what they have learned in all primary schools in target provinces. Goals are subdivided into 3 outputs 1) the participants improve their knowledge on child centered methodology, girls’ education, co-monitoring and school management. 2) the participants transfer their knowledge on the issues to others by acting as trainers at the workshops. 3) MoEYS, PEO, and DEO staff improve their capacity to implement workshops.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The project seems to have a relatively low sense of ownership because the participants of the workshops were just given trainings and taught some useful methodologies of teaching. But the topics and concepts that were used in the workshops required little input and were easy to understand and implement, which led users willingly to utilize the acquired knowledge and skills.
Rating 3/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The project is related with policies of the Cambodian government. the objectives of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports are to reduce dropout rates, repetition rates, and to promote girls’ education and gender issues. What’s more, the project are well aligned with the objectives of the Priority Action Plan (PAP) for the primary education, which are to improve progression rates, access and participation from grade 1 to 9.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The evaluation was conducted from 4, Feb. 2004 to 14, Mar. 2004. The team consisted of 3 experts. The evaluation was conducted through field visit, document review and interview. However, because of time limitation, all documents were now reviewed. Some interviewees pointed out that the incorporation of gender issues into classroom helped increase girls’ employment which can be seen as unforeseen impact of the project, but it is assumed that there have been other factors which contributed to this phenomena.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation According to the report, the project seems to have the high sustainability in that the knowledge and skills imparted matches the needs of schools in managing the school’s development, facilitating teaching and learning processes, and supports the educational goals at the primary level. However, there were some ineffective factors such as too many students per class, lack of classrooms, and limited space. More support is needed in the provision of teaching materials and promoting the use of workshop contents.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks The materials in Khmer developed through this project have been shared with Japanese NGOs



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