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[World Bank] Gms Power Trade (cambodia) Project
Author Admin Date 2015.10.02 Views 827
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Gms Power Trade (cambodia) Project
Duration 2007-06-05 to 2011-10-05
Donor World Bank
Implementiong Organization Electricité du Cambodge
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Power (100%)
Region Cambodia
Financing 0.19 US $M
Analytical Information Stakeholders The Government of Cambodia; Crown Agents;Ministry of Economy and Finance; Electricité du Cambodge; Electricité du Laos; International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The Project was assigned “Category B”, as potential impacts were expected to be moderate, of limited spatial influence and of short duration. Five safeguard policies were triggered: Environment Assessment, Natural Habitats, Physical Cultural Resources, Involuntary Resettlement, and Projects on International Waterways (due to the Lao portion of the project). The project was carefully designed to comply with all five safeguards. There were no issues with compliance since the project was not implemented, with the only expenditure being on US$0.19 million on consultancy services.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The implementing agency, Electricité du Cambodge was assisted by a Project Implementation Consultant appointed by the Procurement Agent that was engaged by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. A detailed division of responsibilities between the Procurement Agent, Electricite du Cambodge, and the Project Implementation Consultant was specified. The Procurement Agent was expected to take the primary responsibility throughout the procurement process.
Rating 3/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation During project preparation, the Government of Cambodia was supportive of the design and preparation of the project. However, during implementation, major delays occurred in procurement, which was managed through the Procurement Agent who was directly contracted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Implementation could have benefited from stronger and more regular coordination at suitably high levels among the different government entities involved, including those responsible for procurement.
Rating 3/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation No information regarding Evaluation Franework in this evaluation report.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Component 1: 115 kV (kiloVolts) Transmission System: Vietnam border to Kampong Cham; (at appraisal: US$ 9.85 million; at completion: US$ 0.00). Component 2: 115 kV Transmission System: Lao PDR border to Stung Treng; (at appraisal: US$ 5.70 million; at completion: US$ 0.00). Component 3: Activities to Facilitate Implementation of Components 1&2 (at appraisal: US$ 1.75 million; at completion: US$ 0.19 million). Component 4: Institutional Development of Electricité du Cambodge (at appraisal: US$ 1.00 million; at completion: US$ 0.00).
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks Regional energy projects involving multiple countries and implementing agencies should be backed by a comprehensive study of power supply and demand trends as a basis for addressing likely scenarios. This project involved three countries and at least three different agencies, all of which had different operating conditions and environments.



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