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[International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD)] Cambodia: Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng
Author Admin Date 2015.04.08 Views 738
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Cambodia: Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng
Duration Board of Approval: Dec.-18-2003 Original Closing Date: 12-31-2011 Final Closing Date: 12-31-2011
Donor International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Implementiong Organization Seila Task Force Secretariat, Provincial Department of Agriculture, and Commune Council
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Agriculture
Region Prey Veng and Svay Rieng
Financing The total project amounted to US 19.6 million dollars, the International Fund for Agricultural Development financed US 15.5 million dollars, the World Food Programme with the assistance of US and Partnership for Local Governance assisted US 2.4 million dollars.
Analytical Information Stakeholders International Fund of Agricultural Development, World Food Programme, UN Office for Project Services, Royal Government of Cambodia, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Seila Task Force Secretariat, affected ministers locals, and people, Non-governmental Organizations, Group Revolving Funds, Provincial and local officials, local partners, Commune Councils, 168 extension workers, Village Money Lenders, 349,822 benefited households, Community conservation associations, Livelihood Improvement Groups (LIGs), 1008 Rice Banks, 15 Food Processing Groups led by women, 16 handicraft groups, 8 agricultural cooperatives, 5 vegetable producer organization, 2 Ag Extension Services Associations with 60members, Women, 148 Communes
Cross-cutting Issue Environment The operations of the IFAD are evaluated as successful but had complications during the first starting phase as there was no operational offices of the IFAD present at Cambodia; this was later resolved with the establishment of the Country Facilitation Office (2007).
Gender This project had high women empowerment through increased participation of agriculture leading to increase of house incomes. According to the report, the project's major success was the empowerment of women due to the fact that women generally had a greater voice and play a larger role in increasing household incomes. During the project, about 32% of the group leaders were women. The report notes that all together the project was very effective in addressing the women's needs and thus contributing economic gains in the project area.
Impact Analysis The project aligns with the Country's Results-Based Country Strategic Opportunities Programme, relevant national policies which were not specified, promotes the Millennium Development Goals and other relevant needs of the poor.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation High ownership of the Government of Cambodia was noted; the report notes high responsibilities of project activities. The Completion Report notes the central Ministry's high support towards supervision missions, transparency, and constructive dialogue. In addition the financial commitment of the Government was strong with direct involvement of provincial and local district partners at the implementation phase. The Report notes al these commitments were a 'naturally' strong ownership; all partners have worked in 'harmony.' Empowerment of beneficiaries were successful as community participation was promoted through establishing Community Conservation Communities to better help understand the environmental issues and to manage their resources in a sustainable way.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation There is no information regarding the harmonization and policy coherence among donors. The report however mentions in what specific parts did each of the donor had- for example in food support, and technical assistance.
Rating N.A.
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The project was coordinated through the UN Office for Project Services until 2007; the administrative and fiduciary support was satisfactory but weak technical supervision was noted. The continuity of the project was highly affected due to the turn over of UNOPS staffs which resulted in seriuos withdrawal delays.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation The project report notes that all alignments and composition of finance was satisfactory due to the government's high financial commitment. All procurements were set on time without any major delays.
Rating 4/5
Other Remarks This project was a successful community based project; all participating members and affected stakeholders were able to participate and learn from the process. The report notes the community participation was an integral part of the project across all areas of intervention and training to maintain all parts of the system.



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