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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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[International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD)] Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (APIP)
Author Admin Date 2015.04.08 Views 725
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (APIP)
Duration Board of Approval: Sept-1996 Original Closing Date: June 2002 Final Closing Date: June-2006
Donor International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Agricultural Fisheries and Forests (MAFF) for APIP, Department of Animal Health for IFAD
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Agriculture
Region Fourteen districts in four provinces.
Financing The total project was US 35 million dollars; International Fund for Agricultural Development financed US 4.75 million, World Bank through the International Development Association for US 27 million dollars, Royal Government of Cambodia US 3.36 million dollars, and Special Operations Facility US 0.05 million dollars.
Analytical Information Stakeholders International Fund for Agricultural Development, Ministry of Agricultural Fisheries and Forests (MAFF), Department of Animal Health, Royal Government of Cambodia, National Animal Health and Production Information Centre (NAHPCIC), Project Management Unit (PMU), Village Animal Health Workers, Department of Animal Health and Production (DAHP), Provincial Office of Animal Health and Production (OAHP), National Animal Health and Production Information Centre (NAHPIC), four related laboratories, pharmacies, affected people households and farmers, Community based organizations, Seila Secretariat, targeted people, line ministries, commune councils, and civil society
Cross-cutting Issue Environment The project experienced some administrative and political difficulties and this necessitated an amendment to the loan agreement and the extension of the loan closing date of two more years before the project commenced.
Gender The project targeted both men and women to recruit for the VAHW but reviews note that there is still a substantial lack of women recruits; only 391 women as VAHW compared to 2409 men was recruited as members and this was a pitfall when assessing women empowerment.
Impact Analysis The project aligns with the IFAD's Strategic Framework, National Strategic Plan for Animal Health and Production
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation Partnership of among the Government and relevant NGOs (AFSC, CWS, VSF) was high; in addition civil society was important as they helped the Government design the project and prepare a livestock project form implementation. Grassroots organization, NGOs, and civil society cooperated well with the local authorities, project staff and service users. This project is known for its successful community participation which was transformed in to a community based service operated by the community financially independent from the Government; these factors contribute to a high ownership of the project.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation In regards with the policy coherence, the reports notes that the IDA could have possibly been more coherent and insistent with the Government at senior level.
Rating 3/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation Supervision of IFAD was successful; it was carried out regularly with clear findings and concise resulting, however International Development Assistance IDA supervision missions were not carried out full supervision reports, which prevented the performance assessment of the IFAD at full level. The Completion Report was noted that in regards to the Monitoring and Evaluation system, the IDA's focus on the livestock mortality and morbidity collection data was misplaced.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Sustainability of the project was highly due to the self-sufficient operations of the centers. The report does not have any comments on alignment and composition of finance.
Rating 4/5
Other Remarks The project had two components; according to the Completion Digest Report, the International Fund for Agricultural Development financed the Animal Health and Production component which promotes the development of private veterinary services to farmers in order to reduce mortality and morbidity of livestock. The IFAD Completion Reports in general have a closer performance assessment based on the Paris Declaration's five agendas.



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