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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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[others] Cambodian Air Quality Plan
Author Admin Date 2015.04.08 Views 789
Aid View
General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Cambodian Air Quality Plan
Duration 2004-2005
Donor etc
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Environment- Department of Pollution Control
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Others
Region N.A.
Financing USD 20,000
Analytical Information Stakeholders Blacksmith Institute, Royal Government of Cambodia, Cambodia Ministry of Environment—Department of Pollution Control
Cross-cutting Issue Environment The project completion report did not have any information regarding the environment nor gender issues for the project.
Gender The project completion report did not have any information regarding the environment nor gender issues for the project.
Impact Analysis The project completion report did not have any information regarding the impact analysis.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation This was a technical assistance project; it does not have any evaluation report based on the Paris Declaration.
Rating N.A.
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation This was a technical assistance project; it does not have any evaluation report based on the Paris Declaration.
Rating N.A.
Evaluation Framework Evaluation This was a technical assistance project; it does not have any evaluation report based on the Paris Declaration.
Rating N.A.
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation This was a technical assistance project; it does not have any evaluation report based on the Paris Declaration.
Rating N.A.
Other Remarks This project was a technical assistance to create certain guidelines for pollution control. Please go to the Blacksmith Institute Organization to see the details of the project. The completion report was also obtained from the site.



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