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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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[Asian Development Bank] Special Rehabilitation Assistance Project 25347
Author Admin Date 2015.04.08 Views 813
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Special Rehabilitation Assistance Project 25347
Duration Approval: 26-Nov.-1992 Closing Date in loan agreement: 30-June-1996 Actual Closing Date: 30-June-1997
Donor Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Planning, Project Monitoring and Coordination Unit
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Infrastructure
Region Region is not specified in the completion report. However, the project is suspected to be implemented in mostly large cities, Phnom Phen and Sihanoukville.
Financing Appraisal: Total of USD 77.8 million Appraisal ADB: USD 67.7million Actual: Total of USD 81.6 million USD 79.3million, Swedish International Development Agency SIDA financed a separate transportation sector study ( amount is not specified in the completion report).
Analytical Information Stakeholders Directorate General for Irrigation, Hydrology, and Meteorology (DGIHM), Electricite de Phnom Penh (EDP), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Project Implementation Unit, Project Monitoring and Coordination Unit, Project Steering Committee, Swedish International Development Agency, Supreme National Council of Cambodia, United Nations, United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia,
Cross-cutting Issue Environment Physical construction of infrastructure created resettlement issues.
Gender No gender issue mentiioned in the evaluation report
Impact Analysis As this was created during the transition period and is one of the first big projects Cambodia has encountered it did not have any specific plans or memorandums that the ADB or the Government followed. The project was planned according to the UN, World Bank, ADB, other relevant major institutions, and the international society's responsibility to decrease the upheaval brought by the political transition, poverty, and increase the livelihoods of the Cambodian people. In addition, due to the nature of the project ( to complete rehabilitation assistance in a very limited time), there was no economic evaluation taken during the time of appraisal.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation As this was the first international intervention in twenty years, no relevant material on ownership/participation was mentioned in the completion report. However, in the recommendations section, ADB recommends that the agencies have a clear understandings of the each agency's level of responsibilities and leverage towards the project implementation.
Rating N.A.
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation According to the completion report, ADB coordinated with the UNTAC, UN Development Program, other special UN agencies, IMF, World Bank, the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan, and other major bilateral agencies. For example, (i)the World Bank financed a crusher for the transportation component, while ADB financed the installation and operation fees, (ii) government of Ireland provided $400,000 to refurbish some of the diesel generators while the spare parts were provided under ADB. This project led a foundation for the ADB to be the leading organization for other international assistance in Cambodia.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The government has fully complied with all the covenants. Although there was no separate benefit monitoring and evaluation system, ADB tried to monitor all four components; it created the Loan Inception Mission to review the implementation and actions of the agencies.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Project Schedule was delayed mostly due to establishment of the Project Implementation Unit, and the Project Monitoring and Coordination Unit, weak institutional capacity, and weak implementation capacity. As a result, disbursements were also delayed accordingly.
Rating 2/5
Other Remarks First initiative project in creating a rehabilitation assistance program, second bank loan to Cambodia.



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