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[Asian Development Bank] Second Education Sector Development Program 34388
Author Admin Date 2015.04.08 Views 801
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General Information Project/Program Program
Project Name Second Education Sector Development Program 34388
Duration Program: 9 Dec. 2004 - 30 June 2008 / Project: 9 Dec. 2004 - 30 June 2010
Donor Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Implementiong Organization Program: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEY), steering committee comprised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Project: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport's (MOEY) Directorate of Higher Education, newly established Ministry of Labor, and Vocational Training (MOLVT),
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Education
Region sector wide; specific provinces and regions are not mentioned.
Financing Total $45million Program: $20million Project $25million Additional $500,000 Technical Assistance
Analytical Information Stakeholders Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEY), Ministry of Labor, and Vocational Training (MOLVT), steering committee, ADB, Education institutions, rural communities, civil society
Cross-cutting Issue Environment Not mentioned in Completion Report.
Gender Project partially complied with gender and ethnic minority action plan. Gender targets in the design and implementation were met but there were not evaluations of this component by the ADB; no further explanation regarding this matter.
Impact Analysis According to the completion report, the program is highly relevant to the needs of the education sector. Both were relevant to Cambodia's National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003-2005, and Socio-Economic Development Plan 2001-2005 as well as ADB's country strategy and program update, 2004-2006. In addition, ESDP II's focus on equitable access to upper secondary schooling and TVET programs, plus improvements in quality, was highly relevant to the ESP and the Education Sector Program, 2001-2005. At project completion, ESDP II remained relevant to both the ADB Country Partnership Strategy 2005-2009 and to the ESP 2006-2010.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation Executing agencies were well managed with timely quarterly reports and ADB review missions. All necessary stakeholders were not mentioned and thus, participation can not be evaluated or reported in the completion report.
Rating N.A.
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation No joint finance was mentioned in the completion report.
Rating N.A.
Evaluation Framework Evaluation Program: The loan was disbursed in three tranches and complied with the given time frame. Project: Loan became effective later than the predicted date, due to delay in deploying consultants and starting civil works; there were no delay of the closing date. Overall, only 329 secondary schools were constructed out of the originally planned 400, due to shortfall of significant price escalations in building materials since the third quarter of 2007. Only 7 Upper secondary school resource SRCs were completed out of the proposed eleven due to delays of rainy season and late equipment handovers. Performance of consultants were satisfactory; contractors and suppliers' performance was overall satisfactory although there were below average expectations such as long delays of completion, below standard quality, construction delays, poor local management of SCRs, and inappropriately stored equipment. Performance of the borrower and the executing agencies were satisfactory with some construction issues. In addition, the monitoring and evaluation of MOEY were very weak. The project schools were never evaluated and there were lack of updates after the completion of the project.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation The May 2008 midterm review noted an increase of the total allocation for the education component resulting from the strength of the special drawing right SDR against the dollar.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks SRC was not properly evaluated. Many shortfalls were due to price escalation. Construction quality was an issue before, during, and after the project; these problems were never resolved before the completion. The completion report's recommendations are the following: 1) strong construction supervision, 2) extending project deadlines, 3) location of upper secondary schools should be not far from the lower secondary schools, 4) etc. in pages 13 and 14.



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