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[Asian Development Bank] Improving the Access of Poor Floating Communities on the Tonle Sap to Social Infrastructure and Livelihood Activities 38602
Author Admin Date 2015.04.08 Views 815
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Improving the Access of Poor Floating Communities on the Tonle Sap to Social Infrastructure and Livelihood Activities 38602
Duration This grant was executed for different durations for each of the three components. The JFPR grant proposal application was submitted on September 1st 2004.
Donor Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Agriculture
Region Please refer to the Asian Development Bank's project completion report page 3.
Financing A total of 1,000,000 US dollars from the JFPR; for goods and supplies USD 227.631; for training, workshops, seminars, public campaigns USD 112,888; for consulting services including local consultants, baseline survey, and impact evaluation USD 73,002; for grant management including service of PMO, NGOs, and CBOs USD 302,626; for other inputs and contingencies, ISD 192,924 and 90,909 respectively. The government financed a total of USD 135,000; other sources were NGO contributions, community contributions, USD 9,500 and USD 46,582 respectively.
Analytical Information Stakeholders Asian Development Bank, Angkok's Children's Hospital, Centre Canadien d'Etudes et de Cooperation, Cambodia Family Development Services, Community Fisheries Organizations, Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Grant Implementation Committee, Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan International Volunteer Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Microfinance Institutions, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Non-governmental Organizations, Project Implementation Office, Project Management Office, Siem Reap Community Fisheries Union, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Health Organization, affected people, targeted people, civil society
Cross-cutting Issue Environment There is no information regarding cross cutting environmental issues in the Asian Development Bank Report.
Gender The proposal was well planned with the participation of women, particularly poor households headed by women.
Impact Analysis The project aligns with the Tonle Sap Initiative and Strategy
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation According to the report, "The grant proposal has been designed with the full participation of local fishing communities, particularly the poor and women. Participatory planning with the communities, local authorities, provincial government, and civil society has been undertaken through the seed grant provided under the JFPR over a period of time. Three workshops have been organized to bring together stakeholders to debate and discuss what needs to be done".
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation According to the report, "Discussions were held by the ADB Mission with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and World Bank. Both agencies attended the workshops held for the design of the grant. JICA supports a Japanese NGO, Luceana, which is also working in Prek Toal. JICA supports the idea of the grant. The World Bank does not work in the Tonle Sap area, which is the geographic target area of ADB. The World Bank supports the grant and the design of the proposed project in terms of working with community-based organizations, NGOs, and MFIs to develop livelihood activities for the poor, so as to reduce poverty and promote sustainable management of natural resources. The grant is also in keeping with the development of participatory poverty reduction planning and monitoring in Cambodia, supported by ADB and the World Bank".
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation There are annual audits, poverty impact assessments, monthly progress reports, and government quarterly progress reports. ADB missions will prepare aid memoires and back to office reports with field visits and stakeholder consultations.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation According to the report, "All procurements under the JFPR grant will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Guidelines for Procurement. Goods and related services below $100,000 will be procured using ADB’s direct purchase procedure. Goods and related services above $100,000 will be procured using ADB’s international shopping procedure. The IAs (Osmose, ACH, CFDS, Neary Khmer, Hatta Kaksekar, MOEYS, and SRCFU) will be directly recruited by ADB in accordance with ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants to provide the services for implementing, managing, and monitoring progress of the JFPR grant".
Rating 4/5
Other Remarks This grant was associated with the ADB financed operation, Tonle Sap Environmental Management Project.



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