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[Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] Sihanoukville Port Urgent Rehabilitation Project / Sihanoukville Port Urgent Expansion Project
Author Admin Date 2015.04.10 Views 1178
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General Information Project/Program Project/Program
Project Name Sihanoukville Port Urgent Rehabilitation Project / Sihanoukville Port Urgent Expansion Project
Duration Urgent Rehabilatation Project: (loan agreement signing date) september 1999, (final disbursement date) Janumary 2007
Urgent Expansion Project: (loan agreement signing date) september 2004, (final disbursement date) February 2011
Donor Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Implementiong Organization The Royal Government of Cambodia / Port Authority of Sihanoukville (PAS)
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Infrastructure
Region Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Financing Urgent Rehabilatation Project: (approved loan amount) 4,142 million yen, (disbursed laon amount) 3.917 million yen
Urgent Expansion Project: (approved loan amount) 4,313 million yen, (disbursed laon amount) 3,921 million yen
Analytical Information Stakeholders The Royal Government of Cambodia, Port Authority of Sihanoukville (PAS), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Ministry of Economy and Fianace.
Cross-cutting Issue Environment No land acquisition and resettlement was needed. This was confirmed by the interviews with the Executing Agency and the site visits through this evaluation study.
Gender No infromation regarding gender
Impact Analysis At the time of the ex-post evaluation, it is confirmed that this project is relevant with the policy of Cambodia such as the trasportation infrastructure development plan, "Transport Sector Strategy Study". The projects are also consistent with the National Strategic Development Plan (NDSP) 2009-2013 which place emphasis on the development of basic infrastructures and transporation network such as ports and roads.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation No infromation regarding ownership and partnership
Rating N.A.
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation No infromation regarding policy coherence and harmonization
Rating N.A.
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The external evaluator was Kenichi Inazawa, evaluation consultant of Octavia Japan Co., Ltd. And the evaluation has been conducted from August 2011 to June 2012. And the duration of field study for ex-post evaluation was from November 28 to December 12, 2011.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation For the "Urgent Rehabilitation Project," the planned cost was 5,050 million yen, and the actual cost was 4,739 million yen, which was within the plan. It is mainly because of the contingency budget which was not needed. As for the "Urgent Expansion Project," the planned cost was 5,489 million yen, and the actual cost was 4,919 million yen, which was within the plan (90% of the plan). It is because of the saving on the consulting services.
The project completion was delayed because it was the first JICA loan for the Executing Agency and that it took long for the selection and recruitment of the consultants and the detail design. The delay was also caused by the internal procedures of the government of Cambodia such as the budget allocations for the local currency portion.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks Related Projects: Sihanoukville Port SEZ Development Project; Sihanoukville Port Multipurpose Terminal Development Project; The Project for the Study on Strengthening Competitiveness and Development of Sihanoukville Port.



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