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[The World Monuments Fund (WMF)] Sustainable Development to Support Wise Use and Conservation of the Wetland Ramsar Site in Stung Treng, Cambodia
Author Admin Date 2015.04.28 Views 1964
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Sustainable Development to Support Wise Use and Conservation of the Wetland Ramsar Site in Stung Treng, Cambodia
Duration 1 April, 2011 to 30 April, 2013
Donor WWF
Implementiong Organization Cambodian Rural Development Team
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Others
Region Stung Treng
Financing 80016
Analytical Information Stakeholders Cambodian Rural Development Team, WWF, Royal Government of Cambodia, World Fish Center, NGOs, networks and coalitions
Cross-cutting Issue Environment There has been no particular problems regarding to this topic.
Gender According to the final completion report: The project’s efforts to address gender issues in the project area have centered on encouraging women’s participation in the project as much as possible. According to the project team the focus of this has been to attempt to increase their decision-making power over project activities and inputs as this has required continued strengthening. The project has used two approaches to increase women’s participation and leadership. The first approach involves encouraging women to contribute with their ideas at meetings and trainings. The second approach, which is likely to be more effective over the long term, has been to develop women’s capacity by providing them with training in report writing, financial management and leadership skills. These trainings are provided to women who sit on CBO committees.
Impact Analysis Referring from the final report: Overall the project has effectively met its proposed short-term impacts in terms of improvement of food, livelihood security, disposable income, and health; increasing capacity and manage independently sustainable livelihood activities and engage in government planning and consultations; increasing local co-operation with conservation activities through decreased reliance and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources;
and having the ability and motivation to use the wetlands areas wisely and independently and take local action on conservation issues.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation According to the completion report: Communication between NGOs working in this area is vital in order to share experiences and coordinate activities to achieve the project’s goal. CRDT are also local partners of the Wetlands Alliance Program and liaise with WAP partners to exchange knowledge and understanding of critical issues along the Mekong to ensure our staff understand and is able to implement effective community based projects in support of wetlands conservation efforts.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation According to the report: The partners WWF communicated throughout the implementation of the project to maximize the complementary nature of our work and minimize redundancy. WWF assisted in building relationships with provincial and national government authorities, and have a supervisory role to ensure that all work undertaken by CRDT fits with their long-term conservation goals.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation There is no information regarding the evaluation framework in the completion report.
Rating N.A.
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation There is no information regarding the composition of finance in the completion report.
Rating N.A.
Other Remarks



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