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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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[World Bank] Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Project
Author Admin Date 2015.04.28 Views 1065
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Project
Duration Board of Approval: 06/02/2005 Closing Date: (original)12/02/2009 (actual): 07/31/2012
Donor World Bank
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Others
Region Please refer to the World Bank Implementation Completion Report Map.
Financing There were no co-financiers on the project but there was a number of development partners who were working on the activities complementary to the success of the Customs reforms and its automation system. AusAID and JICA jointly assisted in a risk management strategy, the IMF assisted as Customs technical assistance advisors and the European Union supported the reviewing of imports and exports documents. The World Bank assisted in the amount of USD 10 million as a grant.
Analytical Information Stakeholders Better Factories Cambodia, Council for Development of Cambodia, Cambodia Investment Board, East Asia Pacific Regional Vice Presidency, Export Market Access Fund, Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia, General Department of Customs and Excise, International Development Agency, International Labour Organization, Independent Procurement Agency, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Private Participation in Infrastructure, Task Team Leader, World Bank, United Nation Conference on Trade and Development, World Customs Organization, World Trade Organization, Affected People (traders, importers, exporters, investors), Chambers of Commerce. The stakeholder workshop consisted of 70 different agencies and departments from line government ministries, private sectors, freight forwarders association, national project team members, technical advisory group members, PIU and donors including World Bank, ADB, JICA, AusAID and EU(which were not mentioned in further detail in the World Bank's Implementation Completion Report).
Cross-cutting Issue Environment Due to the nature of the project, consulting and bidding groups were low in number; very few were willing to proceed with the project because the project required sophisticated standards. In addition, the stakeholders accused the World Bank with excessively high management of procurement which resulted in rejection of all bids leading to a delay in project implementation by 6-12 months.
Gender No gender relation information was to be found in the World Bank Implementation Completion Report
Impact Analysis The project is well aligned with the National Strategic Development Plan.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The Government showed commitment by creating a 12-point action plan and asking the World Bank's assistance for implementation. In addition, the Government actively participated in designed the project content, gave our regular progress reports, and assisted in close cooperation with all relevant government agencies, relevant public sector bodies to make sure implementation was done accordingly. The Implementation Completion Report also notes the Ministry of Economy and Finance for an extremely high project support, engaging in all problems and actively participating in facilitating all process.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation There was high coordination and good communication among donors through regular meetings and stakeholder workshops.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation Project monitoring and evaluation was designed to fit each components respectively. Transparency in the investment process was introduced to increase project effectiveness. Quality of the supervision by the World Bank was satisfactory; there were 16 World Bank supervision missions including the Mid Term Review, and field visits. Regular progress reports were submitted to the World Bank including FM reports, audit reports and the ICR mission.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Procurement had many obstacles, as the nature of the project required specific, highly qualified consulting firms for bidding and consulting. Only a few private firms were willing to bid on the project and thus, the UN Agency-UNCTAD- had to develop a software to the government free of charge. Financial management was satisfactory; all annual financial statements, quarterly financial monitoring reports, internal audits were on time with the exception signing the auditor contract which was approved further extension.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks Further assistance for maintenance and assistance for post completion of the project was to be continued by the World Bank Trade Development Support Program (TDSP).



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