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[World Bank] Social Fund II Project
Author Admin Date 2015.04.28 Views 1203
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name Social Fund II Project
Duration Board of Approval: March 23, 1999 Date of Closing (original): Dec. 31, 2002; (actual): March 31, 2005.
Donor World Bank
Implementiong Organization Social Fund of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Education
Region Not Applicable
Financing Project cost estimation was USD 27.77 million dollars; actual credit was USD 25.58 million.
Analytical Information Stakeholders American Assistance for Cambodia, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Non-Governmental Organization, Organizational of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Project Support Committee, Royal Bank of Cambodia, World Bank, Social Fund of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Sustainability Program Unit, Civil Society, Contractors, Local Community, Royal Decree.
Cross-cutting Issue Environment In May 2001, flood damages led to another US 10million (Flood Rehabilitation Credit) from World Bank, ultimately extending the project for another year. In addition, political uncertainties led to delays in preparation of the project.
Gender No gender related information was to be found in the Implementation Completion Report.
Impact Analysis The project was outlined and is aligned with the National Program to Rehabilitate and Develop Cambodia (1994), the Triangle Strategy (1998), National Royal Government's Platform on Second Term (1998-2000), and World Bank's Country Assistance Strategy.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The project focused on increasing local participation through creating a separate agency SFKC (Social Fund of the Kingdom of Cambodia) due to limited capacity of current line ministries and agencies. Noted in the Partnership Assessment (2004) SFKC had Memorandum of Understanding agreements with relevant organizations which led to high local participation through frequent communication, interaction, compliance with reporting obligations. Although, SFKC was able to increase participation and ownership of the local community, because it was a separate institution, it had a minimum impact on the political, wider level and overall development impact.
Rating 3/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation To improve donor coordination and financing, SFKC received around US 10 million from the American Assistance for Cambodia and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, with an additional US 4 million dollar through 10 NGOs and donor organizations by having Memorandum of Understanding agreements. There were limited contacts and collaboration on the national level, and SFKC was not able to disseminate the lessons learnt (good governance, participation, capacity building, etc.) on the wider level.
Rating 2/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation World Bank had intensive supervision during different phases of the project, and dealt effectively with any arising problems. Missions consisted of field visits, audits of statements of expenditure and procurement documentation. The Board of the Social Fund of the Kingdom of Cambodia was to be consisted of 11 people representing each Ministry for a cross section of stakeholders, but comprised of only two major political parties. The Board only met three times between 1995 and 2004 and had a limited capacity over establishing policies, procedures and organizational changes.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Procurement irregularities led to delays in the project. Sustainability of the project is highly likely despite the absence of the maintenance committee.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks This Project was a follow up project after the Social Fund I Project to respond to a more long term sustainable development and nationwide reconstruction.



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