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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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[World Bank] Smallholder Agriculture and Social Protection Support Program
Author Admin Date 2015.04.28 Views 1002
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General Information Project/Program Program
Project Name Smallholder Agriculture and Social Protection Support Program
Duration Board of Approval: 07/09/2009 Closing Date (original): 05/31/2010; (actual): 05/31/2010
Donor World Bank
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Economy and Finance
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Agriculture
Region Please refer to the World Bank Implementation Completion Report.
Financing The International Development Association assisted USD 5 million, and the Global Food Crisis Response Program Grant (funded by the AusAID) assisted an amount of USD 8 million.
Analytical Information Stakeholders Asian Development Bank, Australian Agency for International Development, Council for Agriculture and Rural Development, Cambodia Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Council for the Development of Cambodia, Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum, Canadian International Development Agency, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Foreign Direct Investment, Food For Work, Farmer Organization, Food Security and Nutrition Technical Working Group, Farmer Water User Community, Global Development Solutions, International Development Association, World Bank, International Finance Cooperation, Interim Working Group on Social Safety Nets, Japan Development Institute, Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Multi Donor Trust Fund (Global Food Crisis Response Program), Ministry of Economy and Finance, Micro-Finance Institution, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Ministry of Rural Development, National Bank of Cambodia, National Food Security Task Force, Non-Governmental Organization, Quality Assurance Group-World Bank, Rural Development Bank, Royal Government of Cambodia, Technical Working Group on Agriculture and Water, World Food Program, target people (300,000), affected people (342,000), civil society
Cross-cutting Issue Environment The monitoring and evaluation mechanisms was designed as a policy action for the program. Contrast to its original aim (to create a M&E system for a larger coordination of relief actions from various donors), this mechanism produced results only on an adhoc basis and did not seem capable of producing reliable data in a sustainable manner.
Gender There were no gender related issues to be found in the World Bank Implementation Completion Report.
Impact Analysis The financial crisis hit Cambodia hard. The program was initiated as a response to the financial crisis, and thus, the World Bank's Country Assistance Strategy or other national policies were not aligned with the program. As a result, the Government and the World Bank devised a Development Policy Operation including increasing agricultural sector support. DPO is aligned with the National Strategic Development Plan (2006-2010), Government's Rectangular Strategy, some notable pillars of the Government's Strategy for Agriculture and Water (2010-2013).
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The World Bank's Implementation Completion Report noted the high commitment of the Government including high stakeholder participation by both Government and its partners. Due to the nature of the crisis, the government and related departments had acted with high ownership and participation; the agencies' planning, and pro-activity led to an implementation success. The Government showed effective leadership.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation Harmonization and coordination among the various donors were highly noted for the program in particular, the World Bank and AusAID.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation One of the policy actions of the program was to establish a monitoring and public reporting mechanism. This mechanism was devised as a response to the emergency responses of many active donors. Monitoring did take place but was limited under the project framework rather through an institutionalized M&E framework of the National Food Security Task Force (NFSTF).
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation According to the Implementation Completion Report, disbursements were not linked to specific expenditures, and no procurement actions were involved. All funds credited to the National Treasury to finance Government's budgeted expenditures and properly incorporated in to the Government's accounting records and financial statements. There is no organized follow up activity after the closing of this program.
Rating 3/5
Other Remarks This operation was one of the many relief programs initiated by international donors. As it was a response to a crisis, the program was a success with high ownership, participation, harmonization and policy coherence.



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