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[United Nations Development Programme] Joint Programme for Children, Food Security and Nutrition in Cambodia
Author Admin Date 2016.02.21 Views 1212
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General Information Project/Program Programme
Project Name Joint Programme for Children, Food Security and Nutrition in Cambodia
Duration January 2010 to December 2012 with a six month extension till the end of June 2013 to finalize selected activities
Donor the Government of Spain and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Implementiong Organization the Government of Spain and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Children
Region Royal Government of Cambodia
Financing 5000000
Analytical Information Stakeholders Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation; United Nations Development Programme; Council for Agriculture and Rural Development;Commune Committee for Women and Children
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The Joint Programme, as part of the wider MDG-F initiative, was set-up as a means to accelerate achievement of the MDGs. As such the programme was organized around UN agencies that were already working on food security and nutrition issues as part of their programming in Cambodia. Thus Joint Programme activities cannot be seen as stand-alone but are inter-related to other FSN initiatives of the participating UN agencies.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation Key decisions by the National Steering Committee were taken through consultations amongst members, without necessarily arranging face-to-face meetings. Though this contributed initially to the delay of the workplan approval for 2011, it turned out to be an efficient approach afterwards.
Rating 4/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The overall governance of the programme was usefully adapted to the context in Cambodia. The National Steering Committee functioned through the annual UNDAF monitoring meetings, in which RGC and UN partners discussed the performance of the Joint Programme. The Steering committee was jointly chaired by RGC and the UN Resident Coordinator and included representation of the Spanish mission in Cambodia, in line with the programme document.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The methodology of the final evaluation of the Joint Programme applied a mixed-methods approach, in which quantitative and qualitative methods were combined. This allowed for triangulation of data across a variety of methodologies.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation An overview of the programme budget and its distribution amongst the six participating agencies is presented in table 1 below, as well as levels of disbursement at the mid-term and end of the programme. The relatively limited pace of expenditure, with about one third of the budget disbursed at mid-term, picked up in the second part of the programme implementation period. At the end of 2012 a total of 92 % of funds were spent. Part of the remaining 8 % concerned activities that were planned for the extension period, including the end line survey. At the end of the programme 100 % of programme funds were disbursed.
Rating 5/5
Other Remarks The relevance of the Joint Programme was high in terms of alignment with RGC and UNDAF objectives. The programme addressed relevant needs with the latest figures indicating remaining relatively high levels of stunting and underweight of children in parts of Cambodia.



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