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[Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] The Project for Improvement of the Kampong Cham Hospital in Kampong Cham Province
Author Admin Date 2016.01.05 Views 2090
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name The Project for Improvement of the Kampong Cham Hospital in Kampong Cham Province
Duration 2008-2013
Donor JICA
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Health, Kampong Cham Provincial Health Department, Kampong Cham Provincial Hospital
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Health
Region Kampong Cham
Financing 936 million yen
Analytical Information Stakeholders JICA, Ministry of Health, Kampong Cham Provincial Health Department, Kampong Cham Provincial Hospital
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The project achieved intended impacts. It contributed to improvement of the referral system in Kampong Cham Province, which led more patients to received treatment. It helped to enhance the opportunities for poor patients to access healthcare services and the development of human resources by providing training courses for new health workers. Also provided facilities and equipment have been effectively utilized in the training sessions.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The level of ownership was considered low. It is recommended that Kampong Cham Provincial Hospital itself prepare its own database of outside agents and contactors with a good record to avoid a reduction in the quality of healthcare services due to poor operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment. Furthermore, the lack of engineers should be supplemented as soon as possible to reinforce operation and maintenance.
Rating 2/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The project was highly relevant to Cambodia’s policies in that the objectives of the project supported the improvement of hospital healthcare services at the provincial level. Also it corresponded to Cambodia’s maternal and child healthcare policies since it contributed the improvement of maternal and child healthcare through the improvement of the obstetrics/gynaecology and emergency building. At the same time, Japan’s ODA policy identified sustainable economic growh and poverty reduction as areas of focus in Cambodia.
Rating 5/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The evaluation was conducted from October 2013 to October 2014. By visiting the field two times, the evaluation measured the results. Three quantitative outcomes were measured including the number of inpatients, the number of operations and the number of diagnoses through use of medical equipment. Also the evaluation team set out the expected qualitative effects of the project as “strengthening function as a top referral hospital,” “contributing to mother-to-child transmission and infection control,” “establishing a radioactive protection system” and “improving responses for emergency patients from traffic accident.”
Rating 5/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation Unless further financial assistance is provided for the hospital, the project is unlikely to be sustained because Kampong Cham Provincial Hospital has no specific budget for operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment. The hospital only relies of user fees to manage this kind of expenditure. Also, the staff of Kampong Cham Provincial Hospital are encouraged to attend training courses to obtain knowledge of utilizing equipment and to improve their skills.
Rating 2/5
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