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[Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] The Project for Infectious Disease Control
Author Admin Date 2016.01.05 Views 1448
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General Information Project/Program Project
Project Name The Project for Infectious Disease Control
Duration August 2003 - November 2006
Donor JICA
Implementiong Organization Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Health
Region Cambodia
Financing 767 million yen
Analytical Information Stakeholders JICA, Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The project successfully achieved its objectives. It improved the immunization rate of measles and polio for children under one year by increasing the tuberculosis (TB) case detection rate of smear pulmonary TB and procuring anti-tuberculosis drugs and test reagents.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation The project showed fair level of ownership in that trained local staff in the health sector played an role in properly managing the cold chains and other equipment since the appropriate system and network to manage cold chain equipment has been set up. However, the project period exceeded the plan because it took more time for drug procurement.
Rating 3/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation The project is highly related with policies of Cambodia and Japan. The project has been consistent with Cambodia’s national health sector strategic plan (National Strategic Development Plan 2006-2010) as well as the Second National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2008-2015 that focused on infectious diseases, development needs in decreasing the mortality and morbidity of HIV/AIDS and maternal childcare health-related diseases. Also Japan’s ODA policies are well aligned with the reduction in the number of people suffering from infectious diseases.
Rating 5/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation Subdivided outcomes were measured: 1) to improve the immunization rate by improving logistics of EPI (through procurement of vaccines and cold chains 2) to increase the TB smear detection rates by procuring anti-tuberculosis drugs and test reagents for smear examination of sputum.
Rating 3/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation As for the financial aspect, the budget allocation on EPI implementation has been smoothly done, but there is a minor problem that the disbursement of Q&M budget toward HCs is postponed. In terms of the sustainability, the project is not considered highly sustainable without consistent financial assistance. Also, as for the technical aspect, health staff has acquired sufficient knowledge and skills, but they have some difficulties repairing the major defects of fridges.
Rating 3/5
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