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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

> RESEARCH > DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

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Author Admin Date 2016.01.05 Views 1401
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General Information Project/Program Project
Duration February 2007-December 2008
Implementiong Organization the Committee to Promote Women’s Political Participation (CPWP)
Sector and/or Subsector Classification Women development
Region Takeo, Kampong Cham and Kampong Thom
Financing 304667
Analytical Information Stakeholders UNIFEM ; Commune Committee for Women and Children; Cambodia Development Resource Institute; Committee to Promote Women’s Political Participation; Ministry of Women’s Affairs; National Election Committee; Provincial Department of Women’s Affairs
Cross-cutting Issue Environment
Impact Analysis The review of PWDDCP activities and strategies provided a good indication that the project objectives have been met. The total number of women candidates increased from 16 to 21% while the number of women elected to office had a 74% increase, from 8.5% in 2002 to 15% in the 2007 Commune Council elections. The proportion of women councillors in Takeo increased by 189% (from 27 to 78) or 11% of all commune councillors; in Kampong Thom the total number of women councillors rose by 182% (from 28 to 79) or 14% of all commune councillors; and in Kampong Cham, the number of women commune councillors rose by 56%, from 95 in 2002 to 148 in 2007 or an increase of 11% of all commune councillors.
Effectiveness Ownership/Partnership Evaluation It is positive for the CPWP as building upon the lessons being learned can only strengthen the partnerships within the coalition as well as with others they work with at provincial and national levels. There is continued willingness in the current partners to work together and this is evident in the meetings of the CPWP member NGOs to plan its post-PWDDC project actions.
Rating 3/5
Policy Coherence/Harmonization Evaluation Presence of legal and policy frameworks such as the CMDG, CEDAW and the RGC’s Organic Law. Such frameworks have offered the project the opportunity to advance its objectives especially since said objectives make possible the achievement of the visions and targets set in these policy instruments. Of particular relevance is the decentralisation and de-concentration reform which contributed to women standing for office during the 2007 and 2008 elections.
Rating 4/5
Evaluation Framework Evaluation The evaluation was undertaken by a 2-member Consultant Team. Data collection primarily built upon qualitative data, but also drew on quantitative information where this was obtained. Information gathering took place in Phnom Penh and two of the three target provinces, namely Takeo and Kampong Thom. Research drew upon a set of guide questions prepared by the consultant team. Interviews and Focus Discussion Groups were held with representatives of the CPWP member organisations, district government administrators and men and women Commune Councillors.
Rating 4/5
Alignment/Composition of Finance Evaluation when the member organization had no funding, CPWP provided the funds to support project activities. From the funds received from UNDEF/ UNIFEM, 3% goes to SILAKA for the administrative costs, while 12% has been shared to the implementing agencies (member organizations) except CDRI.
Rating 2/5
Other Remarks CPWP needs to strengthen the management and cooperation and relationships; need for clear structures, roles and responsibilities. There is need to create consistency in the policy and application of the policy especially at the local levels



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