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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

> RESEARCH > DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

Total: 23 / Pages: 4

News List
No Subject Date Author Views
194 [United Nations Development Programme] Labour-based Infrastructure Rehabilitation September 23,2015 Admin 1006
193 [Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] Japanese Cooperation to Support the Formulation of Key Government Policies on the Judicial System in the Republic of Cambodia September 23,2015 Admin 1077
192 [USAID] Social Marketing and Behavior Change Interventions for HIV/AIDs, Reproductive and Sexual Health and Child Survival in Cambodia (SMBCI) Project September 15,2015 Admin 1083
191 [Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] Improving the Capacity of the National TB Control Program through implementation of the 2nd National TB Prevalence Survey September 15,2015 Admin 1096
190 [United Nations Development Programme] THE UN-REDD CAMBODIA NATIONAL PROGRAMME September 15,2015 Admin 1008
189 [United Nations Development Programme] Cambodia Community Based Adaptation Programme (CCBAP) September 15,2015 Admin 1136
188 [Asian Development Bank] Policy-Based Loan for Subprogram 3 Kingdom of Cambodia: Third Financial Sector Program September 15,2015 Admin 994
187 [Asian Development Bank] Kingdom of Cambodia: Mekong River Island Connectivity Output September 15,2015 Admin 1010
186 [United Nations Development Programme] The Tonle Sap Conservation Project (TSCP) September 15,2015 Admin 1034
185 [Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)] Legal and Judicial Cooperation Project (Phase II) September 14,2015 Admin 1009

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