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DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

> RESEARCH > DB on Aid Activities in Cambodia

Total: 23 / Pages: 2

News List
No Subject Date Author Views
214 [others] Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes January 05,2016 Admin 1013
213 [others] DCA/CA’s Cambodia Food Security Programme (FSP) December 07,2015 Admin 1045
212 [others] UK Department for International Development(DFID) programme in Cambodia December 07,2015 Admin 1013
211 [others] Social Protection and Gender in Cambodia Final Evaluation December 07,2015 Admin 1006
210 [others] Innovations for Decentralization and Local Development (IDLD) December 07,2015 Admin 1002
209 [United Nations Development Programme] Project in Support of Governance, Democracy and Human Rights December 03,2015 Admin 940
208 [United Nations Development Programme] Rural Development and Resettlement Project (phaseⅢ) December 03,2015 Admin 967
207 [United Nations Development Programme] Aid Coordination and Partnerships November 17,2015 Admin 962
206 [others] UNICEF-supported Child Protection Network: the Community-Based Child Protection (CBCP) network and the Provincial Child Protection Committees (PCPC) November 05,2015 Admin 1040
205 [others] The Health Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Project November 05,2015 Admin 1042

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