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Transitional Justice of Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Awareness and Perceptions of Cambodian Undergraduate S
Author Kim Kinkesa, Lao Sok Date 2014.04.13 Views 2202

Transitional Justice of Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Awareness and Perceptions of Cambodian Undergraduate Students toward the Tribunal

Cambodia Tribunal, officially known as the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), is a tribunal aiming to prosecute the senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge who have committed the crime during the regime. Despite the court’s significance, it is said that Cambodian people seem to lack of awareness of the tribunal especially those who did not live under Khmer Rouge regime. Hence, this research aims to study the awareness, source of media used to access information about the ECCC and the perceptions towards the tribunal of undergraduate students from two universities namely Royal University of Phnom Penh and Royal University of Law and Economics. Questionnaire was used in the study and was given out to 129 students whose major is among English, International Studies and Law. The result shows that students from Law background seem to be more knowledgeable about the court information more than students from other majors and that TV is the most preferred and accessed media regarding the news and information about the ECCC. Furthermore, even though most students are satisfied with and support the tribunal, they also view that the court has some disadvantages such as slow and costly. Further discussion on the findings is provided in this study.

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