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The Perception and Preparation of IFL Students toward ASEAN Economic Community in 2015
Author SUM Sovanndeka, TANG Date 2014.04.12 Views 2182

Research Title
The Perception and Preparation of IFL Students toward ASEAN Economic Community in 2015

ASEAN leaders agreed that ASEAN Economic Integration will be a momentum to transform ASEAN toward cooperation, cohesion and centrality. It is set to be achieved by 2015, one year more to go. Dealing with this topic—the perception and preparation of junior students of B.A. English toward AEC, it is vitally important to conduct the study on year 3 of B.A English of Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) because they are going to graduate by 2015, at the time AEC set to be achieved. As a consequent, finding out their perceptions and readiness of AEC is required.
This study was conducted the cross-sectional study, and the final sample, from which the questionnaires were collected, consists of 186 B.A junior students of Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL). They were asked to complete the questionnaires in order to test and rate their awareness and preparation on the AEC 2015. Some important features and statement dealing the AEC including key component of AEC, structure of AEC, and AEC blueprints, knowledge and preparation of respondents.
As a result, respondents have a little knowledge on ASEAN Economic Integration, and respondents sternly agree that AEC will not provide many benefit to AEC counties especially CLMV. Additionally, they also are well prepare on AEC and are willing to attend workshop and short course on AEC.

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