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[Newsletter 2] Department of International Studies: Global Updates
Author Virak Vinich, Amrin Date 2015.01.30 Views 1530

Inside this issue:

South China Sea Dispute: What has happened Since 2014?
Cambodia Political Deadlock After Election:Political Solution

A Curse or a Blessing: The Controversial Views on the Deal of Asylum Seekers Resettlement in Cambodia
Jokowl’s Policies for Future of Indonesia

A Step Forward to Eradicate Haze Pollution in the Region
The Reaction of Mekong Sub-Region Countries Towards DonSahong Project

Disappearance of MH370 Could Potentially Lead to a Slow-down in Malaysian Economy
Myanmar’s Road to the 2015 Election
Rohingya Community Still Overlooked in Annual Regional Agenda.

Johor Checkpoint: A Test on Singapore-Malaysia Relations
Tears of the Thailand’s First Lady
Thailand after May 22 Military Coup
Vietnam and the United States to Enhance Their Relations
IS,the Global Threat
Important Roles of AUN in Enhancing Cambodian Education System
Global Newsflashes

Attachments 1

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Next Article : Transitional Justice of Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Awareness and Perceptions of Cambodian Undergraduate S

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